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Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S 42 : D-Day. Liberty!!!

Jacqueline Le Sueur

Updated: Jan 28, 2020

I was so anxious when I woke up this morning. D-day - the day that the cast comes off, an x-ray is taken and I find out whether surgery was a success. I have just returned from the hospital. 6 weeks almost to the hour since I had my operation I saw the Scalpel Man, saw this new x-ray and learned that my surgery has been a resounding success.

To say that I am happy would be a complete understatement. I keep crying. Yes, there is still 6 or so months or so to go before the swelling completely goes and the prickling nerve pain disappears and before I can walk a few miles over the moor. I might be able to Nordic ski by the end of February - my birthday. That said, these past 6 weeks of bone pain, excruciating nerve pain and of being less-abled have been worth every second. Every minute of keeping my foot elevated, doing lymphatic drainage on my leg and every ounce of muscle loss is worth it.

I'm even back in my normal shoes - normally the swelling is so bad when the cast comes off that this can't happen for a couple of months. As much as I have gone stir crazy being patient has really paid off.

I am overwhelmed with gratitude. I can drive, short distances at first but I can get out the house. I can ride my bike, if it feels ok - I can't do any damage to the fused joint.

Above all I am overwhelmed with gratitude that my less-abled-ness is over. I have my independence back. Unlike for so many people for whom a lack of independence is every day for the foreseeable future.

I will write more about the awareness this journey has given me in the coming days. Right now I would like to raise a glass to my Scalpel Man, to every one of you who has supported me in one way or another (you all know who you are - thank you, thank you, thank you!) and also to everyone who copes alone with no independence every day. I truly have no idea how you cope however I do intend to find out.

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