Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S 42 : D-Day. Liberty!!!
wanderings & wonderings
the creative world of jacqueline le sueur ... inspirational writing, art and photography
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S41 | Well & Truly Going Stir Crazy
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S39 & 40 | An Empty Diary & An Unexpected Jailbreak
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S38 | A fabulous, spontaneous phone call. Bring back spontaneity!
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled :S36&37 |Awareness, why has it become so rare? Rising DQ, falling EQ maybe?
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S35 | Action is rife for our planet but what about our species?
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S34 | It's the little things that make a difference
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S33 | Light at the end of the tunnel
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S32 | Obstacles are there to make us think differently
Just 6 Weeks Less Abled : S29, S30 + S31 | On the subjects of mindfulness & awareness
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S27 + 28 | Renewed appreciation of time.
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S 26 | The Simplest Things Take Such An Effort ...
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S24 + 25 | How An Unexpected Kindness Brightened My Day
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S + 21 | A bench that is so much more than just bench.
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S + 20 | Another little achievement with great benefits
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S + 19 | A Question For You ...
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S + 18 | Pushing boundaries ... igniting possibility
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S + 16 & 17 | Coincidence? There's no such thing, is there?
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S + 15 | Duvet Day Declared - time to top up my sleep 'bank account'
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S + 13 & 14 | Facing a challenge head on