On the matter of choice
wanderings & wonderings
the creative world of jacqueline le sueur ... inspirational writing, art and photography
no shops open
Life Ever Longing
Sea of Smiles
on the shore
Dark Moon Night
Seeing Eyes
Gupta's Gift
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S 42 : D-Day. Liberty!!!
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S41 | Well & Truly Going Stir Crazy
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S39 & 40 | An Empty Diary & An Unexpected Jailbreak
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S38 | A fabulous, spontaneous phone call. Bring back spontaneity!
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled :S36&37 |Awareness, why has it become so rare? Rising DQ, falling EQ maybe?
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S35 | Action is rife for our planet but what about our species?
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S34 | It's the little things that make a difference
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S33 | Light at the end of the tunnel
Just 6 Weeks Less-Abled : S32 | Obstacles are there to make us think differently